Psychology and Biology

How and Why we do it?

A lot of people still think that fear based training is the best way to train a dog, but here at Active Doggies we believe using animal psychology and biological science is the safest and most efficient way to shape a dog

Keep reading to find out why

Would you rather alter your dog’s instincts, so the bad behaviour stops and doesn’t keep happening its whole life or get angry and yell at it every time it does muck up without a change in behaviour?

Dominance, a word used so commonly with dog owners these days. This word is commonly misconstrued into humans thinking they should dominate their dogs by making their animal fear them and having their dog submit in fear to their every will. Humans do this by beating, yelling, intimidating or harshly punishing their dog, and because their dog gets low, quiet and looks like it is saying sorry, these people think that their dog is then submitting to their rule, or that their dog is being good. When in actual fact that dog is just terrified of its human and is more than likely becoming a ticking time bomb, that will one day lash out when it is tired of the abuse. NEVER does beating, yelling, intimidating or harshly punishing a dog actually teach it to do something differently, it only makes it scared of the person who is serving this horror. It creates confusion and anxiety that almost always leads to some form of aggression or reactivity.

This is not how animals communicate with each other, nor should it be how we humans communicate with our dogs. Fortunately their is a way to train our animals respectfully and safely

Dogs thrive of respectful communication within their pack, they don’t all feel the need to fight to be top dog and their top dog doesn’t go around yelling at them and biting them for absolutely everything all the time, if you actually watch their behaviour (in a non human lead environment) they barely ever actually attack or fight with each other.

Active Doggies training and behaviour modification is based on the study of animal psychology and biology…The training methods we use actually get into the brain of the dog, communicate with them in a way they respect and understand and therefore alter the way they think so we can shape “good” behaviour within them and build a trust filled relationship between pet dogs and all of their family members.

Punishing a dog is just a human letting its anger out on their dog, it doesn’t actually teach the dog anything

To see for yourself the success using psychology to communicate with your dog can have on its overall behaviour and the happiness of your house hold…..

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