Services and Pricing

Active Doggies offers customizable dog training services…

If you don’t see what you need below don’t hesitate to contact us and see if we can help with your situation

Scroll down to view a general price list

Regular Situations Active Doggies helps with

  • Pulling on Lead…

    Constant Sniffing or Picking things up

    Reactivity or aggression when on lead

    Over excited

    Fearful, Frozen or Laziness

    Teach them to follow your lead, walk at your side in a calm manner and listen to commands when asked

  • Growling, Barking, Lunging, Showing Teeth and Biting….Other Dogs or Objects

    Food aggression and resource guarding

    Teach your dog manners, desensitise them to their fears, show them how to respect others

  • Nervous behaviours like, crying, screaming, whining, chewing, escaping etc

    Teach your dog to be calm when it is left alone

  • Jumping, Biting or Barking at you or other humans. Whether that be out of excitement or fear…

    Teach your dog to be respectful to other beings

    Don’t jump, bite or bark at guests

    Teach dog to respect personal space

  • Digging or Chewing and destroying your home, whether it be out of boredom or anxiety

    Teach them what to and what not to chew

    Teach them when and where to dig or to stop digging altogether

  • Peeing and Pooping in the house or in unwanted areas

    Teach your dog when and where to relieve themselves, weather this be peeing and pooping outside or on a puppy pad or artificial grass area

    Teach them to toilet on command

  • Stop your dog from barging past

    Stop your dog from escaping, or to come back if they do

    Get your dog to stay out of certain rooms or spaces

    Go outside or inside on command

  • Dog doesn’t come when called

    Dog doesn’t know its name

    Teach your dog to recall/ come to you, at home, out of the house, in any situation

  • Teach your dog to be happy in its crate

    Teach your dog the go in it’s crate or bed command

    Sleep in crate

  • Teach your dog to stay of furniture

    Teach your dog which room they are and aren’t allowed in

    Teach your dog to respect yours and others space… How you would like to be shown affection (some people don’t like lap dogs)

  • Teach both your dog and your child how to respect each other and keep each other safe

    Introduce your new baby to your dog safely and confidently

    Introduce a new puppy or dog into your home

  • Bringing a rescue dog home… introducing/ working with them

    Understanding the needs and thoughts and emotions of a rescue dog

    (it is a common belief most of them were abused, this is most of the time not the case…. They have more likely just learnt that their behaviour creates a consequence that they get something they want out of… i.e i act scared you give me food or nice scratches)

Active Doggies Common Services

  • Puppy Manners

    Teaching your puppy to be a respectable family member, nipping bad behaviours in the bud or learning how to prevent your puppy from having issues in the future.

  • Dog Psychology

    Learn how a dogs brain works, how their instincts affect them. Then learn how to effectively communicate in dog language and create a remarkable bond with your dog.

  • Obedience

    Teaching your dog to listen and perform every time. This can be up to what ever level you choose.

  • Socialisation and Habituation

    Teaching your dog to remain calm and confident in a whole range of scenarios… Whether that be around other dogs or at home with the lawn mower, anything that you would do in your regular life that would cause your dog to react (act crazy)

  • Behaviour Invigoration

    Get rid of the bad stuff and shape your dog to the way you would like it to behave. Using dog psychology we can train your dog to stop unwanted behaviours while along the way creating a “Good Dog”

  • Confidence

    This is for both you and your dog… Not only does Active Doggies help dogs with their anxiety but we are known for helping humans with it too.. We have found that our dog owners always improve on their confidence with their dogs, yet also in their every day life as well.

  • Kids, Dog Education

    Children are shown and taught how to interact with dogs safely and respectfully. Active Doggies helps parents teach their kids all the cool stuff about their dogs, but also the responsibility it takes to have one as well.

    All trainers have up to date working with children’s checks

  • Tricks

    Learn anything within the dogs physical capabilities….

    From sit to a backflip anf anything and everything in between

    Active Doggies dogs will only need to be told the word once for them to listen and perform

  • Advice

    This can be on absolutely anything dog related. Ask and your trainer will give you their advice based on their knowledge and education.

The Services Active Doggies offer come with 3 different options to choose from

Regular Visits, a One Off session and Online Sessions


All new Active Doggies clients start with an initial one off first consult for $30…

Although because every situation and dog is different, so is our pricing.

(See below a general price list)

Price List

This is a general price list and cost may vary depending on location and severity of the dogs issues

  • ALL online/ Zoom sessions are costed at $40 per hour

  • The general price for med- Giant breeds for issues such as:

    Leash manners, Jumping, Barking, Chewing, digging, toilet training etc…

    $65 Per Regular Session

    $ 175 for a one off

    (this is the pricing for non aggressive/reactiv dogs, please see Medium and Larger dogs (Reactive/ Aggressive for a more accurate price)

  • These are the general pricing for medium to giant breed dogs that have aggression or reactivity issues:

    Leash reactivity:

    $75 per regular session… $230 for a one off session

    Dog/ object agression:

    $85 per regular session…. $250 for a one of session

    Human Aggression:

    Please contact us so we can get you an accurate price and fit you with the most appropriate and safe training regime

  • The general price for Small- Toy breeds for issues such as:

    Leash manners, Jumping, Barking, Chewing, Digging, Toilet training etc…

    $55 per regular session

    $165 for one off

  • These are the general pricing for small to toy breed dogs that have aggression or reactivity issues:

    Leash reactivity:

    $65 per regular session… $200 for a one off session

    Dog/ object agression:

    $75 per regular session…. $230 for a one of session

    Human Aggression:

    Please contact us so we can get you an accurate price and fit you with the most appropriate and safe training regime

  • $45 Per Regular Session

    $115 fo a one off

Get in touch!!!

Ready to work with Active Doggies?? We want to match you with the best price and training as possible so, hit the link bellow and tell us a bit about your situation by filling out the form and we’ll get back to you with a personalised quote and link to book our sessions.