Food might work for some, while others dont care for it, so we have to get them motivated and reward them in a different way

Most Active Doggies clients dont care at all for food on walks, so we have to find a different way to reward and motivate them…Most of the time infact, our training doesn’t actually involve food

Besides you dont always want your dog to only respond when you have food right? Or maybe you forget it one day, then oh no, dog doesn't listen

Im getting off topic, the point is, there are many different ways a dog will learn/ feel rewarded and be motivated, it is our job as trainers and humans to trial and error and use what works for the dog and its own unique learning style.

Here are some ideas of rewards to trial: My dog Goku (malamute) learnt by being told “Good Boy” while Cersei (border collie) felt rewarded by a ball throw. Some others might like a pat as a reward or a game of chase, or a tug toy it all comes down to individual preference...

A little Tip: Dogs don’t always need to be rewarded to learn either, the withholding of a reward will teach them more as they have to try to figure out what they need to do in order to get the reward or they will work harder to get the reward because it means so much to them, yes you still must reward them if they do something good, but maybe don’t reward a slow sit or a half way fetch, be patient and wait for them to do it properly before they are rewarded that way they will learn happy feels only come when they do things fast a beautifully.

To see for yourself the success using different forms of rewards and learning with your dog can have on its overall behaviour and the happiness of your house hold…..

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