Overcome your obstacles!

Does Your Dog Bite, Jump, Bark or Dig or Chew?

Active Doggies can Help!

Can’t walk without doggie drama?

Active Doggies can Help!!

Feel like your dog doesn’t listen?

Active Doggies can Help!!!

Have tried everything but nothing seems to work?

Active Doggies can Help!!!!

Central Coast & Lake Macquarie NSW

(And Online)

Dog Trainer, Dog Behaviourist, Dog Psychologist

Dog Communicator, Dog to Human Language Translator

Your dog’s absolute best friend!

Active Doggies brings the food, the fun and the love…

Get in touch.

Ready to work with Active Doggies?? We want to match you with the best price and training as possible so, hit the link below and tell us a bit about your situation by filling out the form and we’ll get back to you with a personalised quote and link to book our sessions.

Psychology and Biology

How and Why do we do it?

A lot of people still think that fear based training is the best way to train a dog, but here at Active Doggies we believe using animal psychological and biological science is the safest and most efficient way to train/ shape a dog.

Learning Styles

One thing that works for one dog might not work for another.Yes their psychology all works the same like human psychology does. But to change a behaviour or to learn something new, different things work for each individual

Just like humans we each have different learning styles and preferences

Sometimes food doesn’t work!

After years of personal and professional experience, Active Doggies help dogs and their families by using animal psychological and biological science to train and communicate with their dogs. Creating respectful bonds with a legacy that will last a life time and continue with any new furry friends welcomed into your home.
Our training methods hold true to our values of respect and confidence, as we work our way to your goals and beyond!